Nunofelted Striped Cowl Workshop TBD
For this virtual workshop, students will make a Striped Nunofelt Cowl. Students will learn to set up for nunofelting on silk chiffon using a pattern or resist, laying out the wool, wetting down, rolling, and shrinking. Felting experience is welcome but not necessary. Students will also receive written instruction and access to recorded workshop.
The workshop will take place LIVE over Zoom TBD. It is limited to 8 students. I will send out material kits 2 weeks prior to the workshop. Deadline to sign up is Jan 1st. Please let me know if purchasing as a gift and provide student name, email, and shipping address.
*Students will need to provide the following:
1 Pool noodle (thin to med size)
2 pieces of Bubblewrap size 24 in wide x 4 ft long
Ball Brause (LivingFelt Felting Supplies) OR a watering can OR a jug with holes cut on top for sprinkling
Old towel
Dawn Soap
Bowl for Hot water