
Altar Clothes

Altar Clothes energy moon Nunofelt Phases of the moon witchy

Altar Clothes

Altar Clothes can be used in many ways by people with various belief systems. Traditionally they are used to protect the surface of an Altar which is often made of wood or another sensitive material. Using one can be seen as a sign of respect or of the changing of the seasons or moon phases.

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I'm a little scared

growth real talk Store News transparency

I'm a little scared

This is a hard blog post to write for a number of reasons but I'm doing it anyway. Over the past two years my business has doubled. Now that still doesn't mean huge numbers but it does mean numbers big enough that I need to think about growth. And it means is that I need help on the business side of things. You know, the unsexy, unglamorous part of being a Fashion Designer. So I'm inviting you along with me for the sake of transparency. The first thing I'm doing is finding a Business Mentor, someone who can help me...

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Burn It Out, Like Lava, Recycling Through the Earth

blckbts Burn It Out chicago dark fashion fire fire goddess goth ice dye Nunofelt oddities oddities Flea market silk organza textile design witchy

Burn It Out, Like Lava, Recycling Through the Earth

This post talks about my upcoming Collection "Burn It Out' debuting at OdditiesFleaMarket in Chicago on August 24th.

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Oddities Flea Customers and Family Rock!

blckbts dark fashion fashion gratitude oddities oddities Flea market OdditiesFlea witchy

Oddities Flea Customers and Family Rock!

What a weekend at Oddities Flea in Brooklyn, wow!

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Rites of Spring

fascinator Headpiece Nunofelt oddities Flea market OdditiesFlea Oddity witchy witchy vibes

Rites of Spring

I’m debuting Lunacy Kaftans at OdditiesFlea "Rites of Spring" in Brooklyn, NY.  Here’s what you can expect at the show!  Photo by Kaleidoscope House of Color, Corning, NY.

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