News — blckbts
Burn It Out, Like Lava, Recycling Through the Earth
blckbts Burn It Out chicago dark fashion fire fire goddess goth ice dye Nunofelt oddities oddities Flea market silk organza textile design witchy
Oddities Flea Customers and Family Rock!
blckbts dark fashion fashion gratitude oddities oddities Flea market OdditiesFlea witchy

🌙Lunacy Kaftan🌙
blckbts kaftan Lunacy kaftan moon Nunofelt oddities Flea market rites of spring witchy

The Lunacy Kaftan was designed after months of pondering a concept I heard about on a podcast. A band was experimenting with creating music around the phases of the moon. They were writing during waxing phases and releases during the full moon. I thought the idea was interesting and did a little research, following my curiosity. I liked the deadline aspect, especially as a self driven artist and designer. Living in the woods I have a beautiful view of the moon most nights. It shines through my windows and I notice it when I’m sitting in my chair, surrounded by...