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Working on an educational series.

Sometimes you have an idea that you want to test and the response is more then you expected. This happened to me recently when I had the idea to start a nunofelting educational series. I put the idea out into a few facebook groups that I belong to and the response was immediate. I had over 30 responses within the first 24 hours including a woman messaging me from Australia. Wow!

I know I want to offer something different from what is currently available. The whole reason I thought of this is because when I first began nunofelting I couldn't find patterns for garments. I could find decent tutorials, some free and some paid, but not the actual pattern. This is what I would like to offer, the actual pattern for you to use when creating the piece. If I had a pattern like this when I first started learning, it would have helped the whole process make more sense. And I literally have a whole wall of my studio full of patterns I've designed. So rather then just sit there, I'll be working on developing my nunofelt educational series with an expected release date of early 2019.

The tutorial will include:

~written instruction

~plastic sized pattern 

~optional video instruction


Please comment below if there are any specific pieces you would like a full tutorial for including the pattern.

I will also be looking for a limited number of people to test my tutorials. Please sign up for my newsletter to be kept up to date.

Here is my Cropped Sweater that I expect to offer a tutorial for in my Educational Series:

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  • Nikki Addicott on

    Hello, I would love to be one of your tutorial testers. I’ve been doing some simple wet felting projects and recently Have been studying up on nuno felting. I’m very interested inn trying it soon. I have a large supply of alpaca fiber to work with but am not aposed to working with any type of fiber. Hope to hear from you soon. Nikki

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