Fashion Podcasts

designers fashion makers podcasts

Podcasts have been my lifeline back to things happening in the fashion world since I moved to the country. I listen to them while I'm working, walking through the woods, and commuting. I thought I'd list a bunch of my favorite fashion oriented podcasts with a quick description.


This is a new favorite recommended by my friend Sarah. It's all about the history of fashion and picks topics or designers and stays on track. They mention other designers during an episode and show where they fit into the timeline. 

American Fashion Podcast

Known as the podcast for "the true fashion nerd at heart", this podcast is my all time favorite. I discovered it right when I moved out of Philly and it's been the ultimate fashion world lifeline. The host, Charles Beckwith, and his team do a great job of finding interesting guests and topics to explore. 

Material is Your Business

This podcast really dives into materials used in fashion. They explore tech fabrics, recycled fabrics, and what guests love about working with materials. As a material person, I love hearing the stories behind brands and why they work with certain materials. The hosts also turned me on to Queen of Raw which is a designer upcycle and artisanal textile retail platform.

Artist Decoded

Artist Decoded is a podcast hosted by Yoshino who is a photographer and gallery owner. The podcast is not specifically about fashion but it comes up in his interviews with different artists, musicians, and photographers. I love this podcast because Yoshino is not afraid to dive into spiritual conversations beyond the artwork his guests create. He has an easy and recognizable voice and I love the different subjects he discusses with each guest


 This podcast is hosted by maker, Ashley Yousling. She focuses on makers working with more traditional techniques like knitting, doll making, and crochet. I like this podcast because she really lets the guest tell her story of making and what drives her to create. It's awesome for the storytelling aspect but also for the resources and ideas.

Glossy Podcast

The Glossy Podcast is a very specific podcast that explores fashion and technology and stays very on trend. I like knowing the specific subject matter that each episode will look at. This is a podcast that will teach you things you didn't know about the fashion industry.

SFD (Sucessful Fashion Designer)

SFD explores the world of fashion entrepreneurship. It's uplifting and interesting in terms of the guests chosen and the topics discussed. It's a helpful podcast for when I'm feeling super isolated and need to hear some fresh ideas. 


This is a list of my some of my fashion podcasts at the moment. I may add to this list in the future or do another post with others I've found along the way. What are some of your favorite fashion oriented podcasts? What about them do you love? Please comment below because I always love to explore new and interesting interviews and topics.

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